تحميل برنامج استرجاع الصور المحذوفة للاندرويد |
صور لبرنامج استراجاع الملفات Android Recycle Bin
الذكر أن الصور التي يستطيع البرنامج استرجاعها هي تلك التي حذفت عن طريق
الخطأ من الهواتف او الاجهزة التى تعمل بنظام الاندرويد في وقت قصير فقط ذلك كون إن الصور الملتقطة حديثا بواسطة
هاتفك ستأخذ مكان الصور المحذوفة وهذا مايفسر عدم قدرة البرنامج على
استرجاع الصور المحذوفة من جهاز الاندرويد وهكذا اغلب البرامج كذلك ليس هو
وصف وتفاصيل عن البرنامج بالانجليزية :
This Recycle Bin for Android is your best choice for managing your erased data in your android phone and tablet.
EXT4 support in test phase!
+ Works on Android 2.3.x or higher.
+ Protection of AUDIO/VIDEO/IMAGE files and more (all common known types).
+ No internet connection required..
+ INTERNAL/EXTERNAL SDCARD/ USB storage protection.
+ SECURE ERASE method to delete forever private files (ONLY PRO VERSION).
+ UNINSTALLED APPS PROTECTION to install them without Internet connection (ONLY PRO VERSION).
+ LOW battery consumption.
+ You DONT need to be SUPERUSER(\root\) in your device.
+ Allows immediate restoration of deleted files on its original path.
+ Stores the deleted data on your device.
+ Intuitive/easy/friendly graphical interface designed to offer the best user experience.
+ Allows file search, filtering by name, deletion date, detection of multiple devices,...
+ Sorts documents by name, size and type.
+ Contains widget that allows quick emptying the Recycle bin with one click.
+ Deletes and restores single and multiple items selections.
Found bugs in some android devices. We're working to fix them.
Don't miss the wonderful moments you’ve captured in pictures or if you lose your data while your child is playing in your smartphone or tablet. All your deleted files will be stored in Android Recycle Bin and then you will be able to restore them to their original path. Undelete your deletes files now!
EXT4 support in test phase!
+ Works on Android 2.3.x or higher.
+ Protection of AUDIO/VIDEO/IMAGE files and more (all common known types).
+ No internet connection required..
+ INTERNAL/EXTERNAL SDCARD/ USB storage protection.
+ SECURE ERASE method to delete forever private files (ONLY PRO VERSION).
+ UNINSTALLED APPS PROTECTION to install them without Internet connection (ONLY PRO VERSION).
+ LOW battery consumption.
+ You DONT need to be SUPERUSER(\root\) in your device.
+ Allows immediate restoration of deleted files on its original path.
+ Stores the deleted data on your device.
+ Intuitive/easy/friendly graphical interface designed to offer the best user experience.
+ Allows file search, filtering by name, deletion date, detection of multiple devices,...
+ Sorts documents by name, size and type.
+ Contains widget that allows quick emptying the Recycle bin with one click.
+ Deletes and restores single and multiple items selections.
Found bugs in some android devices. We're working to fix them.
Don't miss the wonderful moments you’ve captured in pictures or if you lose your data while your child is playing in your smartphone or tablet. All your deleted files will be stored in Android Recycle Bin and then you will be able to restore them to their original path. Undelete your deletes files now!
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برنامج استعادة الملفات للاندرويد
برنامج استرجاع الملفات المحذوفة عربي
برنامج استعادة الملفات المحذوفة للاندرويد
برنامج استرجاع الملفات المحذوفة للاندرويد
برنامج استرجاع الملفات المحذوفة من الجوال
برنامج استرجاع الملفات المحذوفة بعد الفورمات
برنامج استرجاع الملفات المحذوفة للاندرويد بدون روت
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